There is something so honest and endearing about Barbara Savage's account of her bicycle trek across the world with her husband.
Then when I read on the back of the book that she had been tragically killed while training for a triathalon... it quadrupled the "sieze the day" - ness of the book.
The one issue I continually think of when reading this book and considering whether or not Ashley and I could do something like this is, "what do people do with their children?"
Obviously adventures aren't just for the childless - so what are we to do? While the once in a lifetime trip might have to wait untill all the little-ns are out of the house - how can we/I scratch the bicycle-touring itch with young children?
Paul Cooley over at CarFree Family has taken several-day trips, with his two children, with much success.
I'm kind of hoping to get out as soon as the end of the summer on a little overnight bicycle trip. George will only be 5-6 months at this point, so it will need to be something pretty mild. But by next summer you can count on a real hum-dinger of a trip.
Just wanted to get this out of my system cause I've been thinking about this a lot lately and when I put it in writing, somehow... it makes me more accountable. Stay tuned.